Airport Logistics

Cargo Handling Systems

Innovative automation and digitalization solutions boost speed and efficiency in air cargo

Every step of the way, we are at your side. Our solutions are designed to improve the speed and performance of your cargo terminal – whether your focus is on export, import or transit. We cooperate with our global customers and partners to provide the most modern cargo system solutions for all processes, from planning through to implementation.

Benefits at a glance

  • Extensive system engineering: From the first sketch, using simulation and emulation tools, to the installed, ready-to-operate cargo handling system
  • Process improvements: Decades of airport experience combined with our innovative and flexible equipment and proven software to boost your air cargo processes
  • Comprehensive project management: Crucial for the successful and timely delivery of any infrastructure project, greenfield and brownfield projects alike
  • Reliable system integration: Bringing it all together for our customers, providing them with a state-of-the-art cargo handling system that can grow and adapt as needs change
  • Life-cycle partnership: Safeguard the performance of cargo handling systems over their entire lifetime and, if required, the supply of upgrades and modernization

Our solutions for Cargo Handling Systems

Truck on- and offloading of ULDs

Truck on- and offloading

The function of the truck dock or reception area is to accept ULDs from trucks at various heights above road level. And as the link between the landside and airside, solutions in this area have to support fast and flexible processes. Siemens’ offering for truck docks is tailored to your cargo system needs and includes everything from weighing scales to operator cabins.

Is the focus on speed? A special offering from Siemens is the movable truck dock. It supports ULD transfers from several trucks at the same time. The result is even higher output.

Bulk handling for optimized cargo storage

Bulk handling

Fork lifts and pallet movers are basic tools of the trade in the bulk and pallet storage area.

In many cases, shipments have to be stored until buildup or after breakdown time of ULDs. For optimized cargo storage, we integrate small, manually operated systems all the way to complex, automatic systems for several thousand pallet  and shipment storage locations.

Cargo system buildup and breakdown

Cargo system buildup and breakdown

Freight is selected and consolidated at the workstation or buildup and breakdown area. We have developed an extensive product portfolio for this zone that integrates all safety aspects. For example, our workstations can be designed as a fixed or sink-in version in either a wide or narrow configuration. We also offer a workstation that forklifts can drive over.

Another key product for buildup and breakdown is the slave pallet. This manually operated roller deck can be comfortably moved with special pallet movers for an added degree of flexibility inside the warehouse.

Internal ULD transport

Internal transport

From one end of a hall to another and up and down in storage systems: ULDs frequently have to be moved within a cargo handling facility. The solutions have to be safe for operating personnel, and of course economical.

Whatever your requirements, Siemens has just what you need. Our portfolio includes transfer vehicles for horizontal movements, elevating transfer vehicles for multi-level cargo handling systems, all the way to stacker cranes that can reach heights of up to 40 meters.

Cargo storage system to store ULDs

ULD storage

The cargo storage system is used to store ULDs. Every cargo compartment can be designed to hold one or multiple ULDs. The cargo compartment is equipped with a roller deck on which the ULDs move. Generally speaking, two types of roller deck can be installed: a friction-driven or a motor-driven roller deck. Siemens offers both, and aligns the solution with the internal transport technology in place.

For temperature-sensitive products like food, flowers and pharmaceuticals, Siemens implements special cold and deep-freeze storage areas for ULDs at air cargo terminals.

Airside cargo transfer

Airside transfer

After ULDs have been processed in the cargo terminal, they are transferred to the airside via the dolly dock. At the same time, the dolly dock serves as the incoming position for ULDs unloaded from incoming flights for further processing in the cargo terminal. For the transfer to and from the airfield, the dolly docks are height-adjustable. Depending upon the cargo terminal’s configuration, a range of options is possible:

  • Friction- or motor-driven roller decks
  • Roller ball or castor mats
  • Weighing scales
  • Protection barriers
Air Cargo Security

Air Cargo Security

As your experienced partner, we can integrate any necessary security equipment in your air cargo terminal. This includes systems that scan ULDs and bulk freight to detect stowaways, improvised explosive devices (EDS/HDX), weapons, drugs and contraband. Video monitoring and fire protection systems are also part of the offering. We design the security system in accordance with your requirements and system layout to guarantee optimized material flow.

CargoCompact software

CargoCompact – everything under control

The CargoCompact software controls terminal processes and optimizes material flow for import, export and transit, focusing on the core processes of buildup and breakdown. It supports all automated and semi-automated system parts, as well as all manual areas within the terminal.

CargoCompact helps ensure that the cargo handling meet customer specifications and schedules.

With Siemens as innovation partner, we are setting new standards in the air cargo industry. With end-to-end digitalization of our processes we are able to tailor our services even more closely to our customer’s requirements and further increase our competitiveness.

Bernd StruckSenior Vice President UAE Cargo & DWC Airline Services for dnata, 2017