Airport logistics

Siemens Logistics to focus on airport logistics going forward

  • Sale of parcel and mail business to international technology group Körber completed
  • Airport business remains at Siemens
  • Emphasis on automation and digitalization to boost airport efficiency

Having successfully sold its parcel and mail business to the Körber group, Siemens Logistics continues to focus on flexible products and solutions for airport baggage and freight handling, with a particular emphasis on automation and digitalization.

“We’re delighted that our parcel business – and above all our former Siemens Parcel Logistics employees – have found a sustainable new home at Körber. The complementary technologies of Körber and Siemens Parcel Logistics, together with the regional structures, are a perfect fit and lay a solid entrepreneurial foundation for the future,” said Michael Reichle, CEO of Siemens Logistics, and former CEO of Siemens Parcel Logistics.

The airport logistics solutions business remains at Siemens AG and will continue to operate as an independent subsidiary within the corporate group.

“We’re seeing a distinct uptick in demand for air travel. After the last two years, airport operators are now on the lookout for solutions that will boost their overall efficiency while still being fast and flexible to implement. We’re in an ideal position here with our portfolio of high-performance hardware and intelligent, cloud-based software combined with our international presence,” explains Michael Reichle. “It enables us to offer targeted support to our customers as their businesses continue to recover strongly.”

Siemens Logistics is one of the world's leading airport logistics providers, for baggage and freight handling as well as integrated airport digitalization solutions. Its portfolio features world firsts such as the VarioBelt TilterPlus belt conveyor, the automated ULD unloader VarioTip, and the versatile Baggage 360 airport operations software. This application is still the only one of its kind that makes it possible to predict baggage flow in real time, empowering airport operators to plan and deploy their available resources to maximum effect. Airports all over the world, from international hubs to regional passenger airports, number among the customers of Siemens Logistics.



Monica Soffritti


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