Airport logistics Siemens receives important orders at Kuala Lumpur International Airport

  • Extensive service contracts for maintenance and support of the IT system and spare part supply for the tray baggage handling system in Kuala Lumpur

Siemens Postal, Parcel & Airport Logistics (SPPAL) has received two comprehensive service contracts from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (Malaysia). Kuala Lumpur handles some 50 million passengers a year, making it one of the world’s 20 largest airports. With its continuous effort to provide excellent services to passengers, Kuala Lumpur has also been voted one of the most popular airports of the world for years.

Siemens has extended its contract with the airport operator for the maintenance and support of the IT system that controls the baggage handling system. The extended service contract comprises the high-level controls (HLC) and low-level controls (LLC) of the Siemens tray baggage handling system. Siemens was also awarded contracts to supply spare parts for the Siemens tray system, which transports arrival baggage from the satellite building to the main terminal and on to the central baggage carousel. The high-speed system installed in 2007 is the only tray system in Malaysia.

With its own national company based in Singapore, SPPAL ensures optimum customer service and competent project handling in Southeast Asia. Its experienced team is part of SPPAL’s worldwide network of regional companies and offices.



Monica Soffritti


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