Airport logistics

Siemens team processes record-breaking baggage load at Dubai International Airport

  • Operation and maintenance (O&M) team of Siemens Logistics and Airport Solutions handled about 140,000 bags in a single day during the holiday peak at Dubai International’s Terminal 3
  • Siemens has been the trusted partner for baggage and cargo handling for more than ten years at Dubai International Airport
  • Life-cycle partner for over 30 airports around the globe

Siemens Logistics and Airport Solutions has proven its operational excellence at Dubai International: In the airport’s busy holiday peak at the end of December 2014/beginning of January 2015, the operation and maintenance (O&M) team at Terminal 3 handled record-breaking load numbers with more than 100,000 departure bags and over 38,000 arrival bags during the peak day of that period.

Passenger numbers at Dubai International are growing by leaps and bounds. The airport has been among the world’s top 10 airports for years and has taken over the number one position for international traffic in 2014. Siemens Logistics and Airport Solutions is an important stakeholder in this success story providing baggage and cargo handling solutions including operation and maintenance.

“We took care of the baggage of over 70 million customers last year as they made their way to over 270 destinations on six continents on 105 airlines thanks to tremendous teamwork and the efficient operation of one of the worlds’ biggest and most sophisticated baggage systems,” said Chris Garton, Executive Vice President of Operations at Dubai Airports. “Siemens has been a valued and trusted partner for over ten years and we will continue to develop that partnership going forward for the benefit of our passengers."

The O&M contract for the fully automated baggage handling system is carried out by Siemens Logistics and Airport Solutions’ dedicated and experienced local team on site. The baggage handling system has an overall system length of roughly 120 kilometers, not considering ongoing and upcoming extensions.

Siemens Logistics and Airport Solutions is a technology and life-cycle partner of airport operators. The company has an extensive proven track record of successful O&M contracts at more than 30 airports around the globe. In this context, Siemens offers a comprehensive portfolio of modular and customizable technical services.



Monica Soffritti


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